Leadership Prayer Breakfast

Why a Leadership Prayer Breakfast?

Our Purpose

​Our History

​Organizing Committee

The White Rock-South Surrey Leadership Prayer Breakfast is one of more than 50 Prayer Breakfasts that are held throughout cities in our great nation of Canada.

At the breakfast, we honour and pray for our elected Members of Parliament, Members of Legislative Assembly, Mayor of Surrey, Mayor of White Rock, City Councillors, First Responders, First Nation Leaders, Pastors, and those in our community who are called to lead and serve.

People of faith in Christ are exhorted and encouraged to pray for all in authority, that they may lead quiet and peaceable lives in all Godliness (1Timothy 2:1,2).  We have been promised that our city will be blessed if we, His people, will pray and seek His face (2Chronicles 7:14).  We are encouraged to pray for the well-being and love the city in which we live.  Prayer contributes to the peace and safety and security of the city and all of its residents.

The purpose of the White Rock-South Surrey Leadership Prayer Breakfast is to build a local, provincial, national and global community of individuals who are united through the bond of Jesus Christ.  The aim is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and our neighbours as ourselves.

With this purpose, we are committed to encouraging men, women and children to band together to find the way to serve and lead in the home, community and world.

The White Rock-South Surrey Leadership Prayer Breakfast serves in a quiet and steadfast way to updhold our leaders in prayer and to provide an opportunity for us to share with one another in a very practical and spiritual way.

In 1983 upon hearing of the concept of Civic Leadership Prayer Breakfasts inspired by US President Eisenhower in 1953 in Washington, D.C., Dr. Ed Penner, in conjunction with other like-minded individuals, spearheaded a similar endeavor resulting in White Rock-South Surrey's first annual Leadership Prayer Breakfast, held Monday, September 10, 1984 with 120 attendees at Hazelmere Golf and Tennis Club.​

In attendance were MP Benno Friesen, Surrey mayor Don Ross, White Rock mayor Gordon Hogg, numerous Councillors, the First Nations Chief, MLAs, the Chamber of Commerce, School Board member, the RCMP, firefighters, plus member of the public.

Ex-footbal player and captain of the Seattle Seahawks, Norm Evans, was the first speaker. Succeeding speakers have included the president of Apple Canada, the president of Canadian Airlines, the president of Canada Safeway, advertising executives, university presidents, former MPs, journalists, a cancer research scientist plus other notable citizens.

With our growth currently exceeding 250, we have outgrown the original venue and now meet at a local, spacious auditorium.

The White Rock-South Surrey Leadership Prayer Breakfast team is made up of:

Rev. Bill King, Chair
Dr. Edward Penner, Chair Emeritus
Members at Large:

  • Ms. Anne Bonner
  • Mr. Gordon Dirks
  • Ms. Wendy Gaudet
  • Mr. Don Hanburg 
  • Rev. Ed Hird
  • Mr. Owen MacRae  
  • Mr. Bryan Tepper

Our team members are Christ-centred who actively serve in our community.

About Us

​​​White Rock-South Surrey Leadership Prayer Breakfast